Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5/20/13 Chadron, NE

Started raining yesterday afternoon, shortly after we got here, and it hasn’t quit yet! We are having strong gusts of wind, but not the continuously strong winds we have been having during the past week.

We are currently watching the news about the Moore, OK tornado. The damage is unbelievable and our hearts go out to everyone there! They said there is a possibility the winds in that tornado were as high as 317 miles per hour, and here I have been complaining about the strong gusts we have been having. We have been very lucky and it just goes to show that the grass is NOT always greener on the other side of the fence!

Today we visited the Museum of the Fur Trade, here in Chadron. This is an amazing museum and we did not expect to find something like this in a small town in northwest Nebraska. This museum houses artifacts from the history of the fur trade, when it began, where the hunters came from and where they hunted. Also included was the effect of the trade on the Indian Tribes and their involvement in the trade.

This museum has a huge collection of rifles, including who they were made by and when, most of these rifles were the ones approved for trade with the Indians, but some were the rifles used by the trappers themselves. 

One of the cool things we saw was a drawing by a "Randolph Kurz " from Switzerland. 

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