Friday, May 10, 2013

5/10/13pm On the way to Calgary

Well, it sounded like such a good idea at the time......  Turns out we were driving right through Elkhart, and decided, "Hey, why don't we just pick up the part and get it installed...."  Contacted the manufacturer and they had the part waiting for us.  I had also identified a repair facility that was rated "excellent" by other Alfa owners.  Turns out the repair facility was just down the road from the manufacturer.  All went very smoothly.  Picked up the part (head of the mirror, $288) and headed to the repair facility.  They started working on it right away.  And that is where we ran into trouble.....  The guy let the wires fall into the supporting arm.  That meant the arm now has to come off to retrieve them.  The arm is stuck so fast that two mechanics could not release it.  The solution was for us to spend the night at their facility and John keep squirting the joint with WD 40 in hopes that it will be free by morning.  This place is not usually open on the weekend, but they are coming in special just for us.  Keep your finger's crossed that it frees up!!

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