Monday, June 25, 2012

Yesterday I showed you a  picture of the flower pot rocks at low tide.  Here are the same rocks at high tide.   There are people kayaking where we were walking yesterday!

We also met a lobster fisherman unloading his catch.  He caught 1,000 (yes, one thousand!) pounds of lobster.  He goes out twice a week - that is one TON of lobster a week!  Here is what they use for bait, it is a frozen block of fish.  They break off some and put it in the trap:

When the tide goes out, their boats are sitting in the mud.  To keep them from falling over, they use a little wooden structure they call a cradle.  They lower it down next to the boat before the tide goes out.  As the water leaves, the boat starts to rest against the cradle.  When the tide is completely out, the cradle is the only thing keeping the boat from falling over.  You can see the cradle under the light green boat.

This might be a better picture of a cradle:

This last picture is just a pretty view:

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