Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24th.

  We are at the Bay of Fundy.  They have the highest tides in the world here.  They also have what they call "flower pot" rocks.  As the tide comes in each day, it carves away a little of the rocks and gives them their shape.  Here is a picture of them from the road at low tide. - see how far away the people look and  how far the tide is out:

We had to climb down a long staircase to get to the bottom.  Grandmom is afraid of heights, but managed to get to the bottom without crying!

They have named some of the rocks.  One of these is called dinosaur rock and the other is called E.T.  Can you tell which is which?

We also found a beautiful Luna Moth.  He was trapped in some seaweed and soaking wet.  The Park Ranger rescued him and took him to the Ranger Station to dry out so he could fly again:

Adult followers:

Spent a great day sight seeing.  Below are some pictures of the views.  But the highlight of the drive was the "HA HA Cemetery"!!!!

We have seen a number of covered bridges.  This is the only one that was painted.  We were told the reason the bridges  are covered is because they had a hard time getting horses to cross the rivers when they could see the rushing water.  So they covered the bridges to block the horses' view.

We found out later that the Cemetery is built along side a river that was named by the "First Nation" (Canadian Indians).   They called it the Ha Ha river. 

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